And running \bin\fontforge.exe does what I described above.īTW, If the 'run. Running 'run_fontforge.exe' as administrator directly in Windows doesn't do anything either.
The shortcut that was created on my Desktop doesn't do anything, even when I try as administrator. All along I was trying to run them in Windows File Manager, and all it would do is open them up for editing.Īnyway, there's still the issue that I can't open Console directly from Windows. When I ran them in the Command Prompt window, they worked perfectly and FontForge Console opened up. bat files had to be run in a DOS environment. However, this didn't even happen before I just realized the. It was hard to see because the Command Prompt window opened and closed so quickly. But I got the error code 'Could not open screen' when I ran \bin\fontforge.exe as administrator. Jtanx, my problem was that I couldn't even get the Console to start in the first place.