This case was subsequently dismissed with prejudice and ruled frivolous by the Indiana Court of Appeals. Ralph Armand so greatly that he pressured the county into filing a frivolous and unwarranted civil lawsuit against our family. So in 2004, we shared our newly acquired knowledge by serving a timely Cease & Desist Notice, which fluently describes the “Log Cabin Rule to our well meaning but misinformed County officials.ĭissemination of this particular Indiana Code to our Amish friends and other county citizens upset our questionable County Health Administrator, Mr. Although our home site conformed to all septic system standards, zoning use, and minimum setback requirements at the time, our local health dept., building enforcement, and plan commission begged to differ. In 2003 our family legally built our personal home with our own hands without ever obtaining the alleged prerequisite building permit. Here, we visit the elusive “Log Cabin Rule” which applies without limitation to all private homes – not just log cabins, and how it relates to local building/zoning ordinances.